Meet the Registry Team

What the team does

The Office of the Registrar is responsible for academic regulations, academic records, examinations and graduation management. The Registrar is also the Data Protection Officer (DPO) for the College.


When will you interact with the team?

  • At application stage you may have spoken with Susan to ensure all your documents were in order to allow the Head of School decide on your application.
  • Registry register and enrol students to the correct programme and on the correct modules.
  • At induction, a member of the team will highlight important parts of the College Quality Assurance processes and policies to you, e.g. exam regulations, extenuating circumstances etc.
  • During your studies you may require letters for various purposes, GNIB, to open a bank. You request these online and Registry produce these for your collection.
  • Disciplinary Matters – Not the nice part of our job. This can be in 2 forms, Student disciplinary (non-academic) and as a result of Academic Misconduct (academic).
  • Exam results – After results have been ratified (approved) at Exam Board the team issue them formally through Moodle the online platform. We also assist those unsuccessful in their first attempt by clearly explaining the implications and next steps in their journey.
  • Extenuating Circumstances – Life and other matters can impact on your ability to engage in your studies or impact performance in exams or your coursework. The team along with their colleagues on the Academic Team can assist you deal with such matters.
  • Graduation –All matters relating to the graduating of students are dealt with in this team. Acknowledging the sacrifices and performance of a student is the best part of the job.


How to contact us

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